Saturday, July 16, 2011


Speaking of O, oh yeah, that's my blood type. Haha. I'm a universal donor! :D

Just yesterday, I donated my blood. 350ml of it. Double bag. LIKE A BOSS.
Okay okay, that was the average amount of every subsequent donor in the hall. I've a friend whom donated 450ml of his blood.

IT was really awkward when they made you sign the HIV Free agreement but of course it was required. Haha!

Frankly, all the tests weren't that scary at all until it finally came to your turn to start pumping your blood out.

The nurse started off by injecting some medication into my hand and when it came to looking for my vein, I caught the sight of the Blood Bag SYRINGE. It was horrific. It was so huge it was the only thing that initially terrified me before I decided to donate my blood. Trust me, it was exactly or not bigger the size of a Vitagen straw. BEAT THAT!

All in all, it was a worthy day, knowing that your blood bag could save maybe just one person, it was all worth it.

And of course, thank God for keeping me from passing out and remaining strong, haha! I just felt a little tired afterwards and already had a good sleep.

It feels great! I can't promise when would be the next of me donating but I sure am donating again in the future!

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